Announcement from the Director

Adoption events and more.
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Joined: February 27th, 2017, 10:48 pm

Announcement from the Director

Post by CaleyHincak »

Dear Adopters, Fosters, Supporters, Volunteers and Followers:
As the COVID-19 Pandemic impacts our country and the world, we are also taking steps to ensure safety. At this time, we have made some adjustments to our protocols to allow Home Visits to be done "virtually" (via Skype, Facetime, etc). We will still continue our rigorous process of vet checks, background checks and face to face meetings of dogs, however we will work with our approved adopters and foster homes to ensure the comfort and safety of all.
At this time, all adoption events have been canceled until further notice.
We will be doing limited PR events at this time. Our website will list them as we do have them.
Please do not think our fosters/volunteers who introduce dogs to you are rude when they do not shake your hand.
Please do not be surprised if you are offered gloves, or are asked to do meets outside.
We will work to assist in keeping the community safe and not spread this virus, however we also have the animals who need care and forever homes. If you are an approved foster home and would like to pick up a new foster dog, please contact
We are receiving so many requests to surrender animals that people cannot care for any longer or cannot afford due to health or career situations, and are trying to do what we can. We will continue to do our best to save as many as we can during this time of crisis and chaos.
Please remember to be kind. If you have a neighbor who can't feed their dog, help them. It may keep that dog in their home. If you see a stranger in need, try to help where you can. We are all in this together.
We are grateful for the support of such an amazing community.
Thank you!
Jean Rhoten
Director & Founder
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