Tyson - Adopted July 2014

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Tyson - Adopted July 2014

Post by EmmaSchickert »

We adopted Tyson July 9th 2014! I've been meaning to give you an update but I guess we've just been busy with life!! My husband and I couldn't be more happy with the decision to adopt Tyson! (We brought him home the day we got our engagement pictures taken so it was a memorable time in our life in more ways than one!!!) He is one of the most compassionate loving pups! I love that you foster your pups because I really think that helped him get a head start on not only socializing with other dogs but also with children! He loves being around people and other dogs! We take him to the dog park regularly and he loves sleep overs with our nieces and nephews! One of his favorite things is swimming!!!! He will swim all day if we let him!! We're still working on being brave enough to jump off the pier but he loves boat rides and playing fetch with his 'floaty' toy!!! Thank you so much for all you do! I can't imagine our life without him! There is no doubt in my mind we will adopt from JR Pups n Stuff in the future! (Sooner rather than later if I can convince my husband! (-: )
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