Helping my elderly parents find a dog who would fit their lifestyle and ages took more time then we expected. When my parents applied and were approved, they saw a few dogs over time but given my parents ages, finding the right match proved to be difficult. As we headed towards the year mark and having to almost reapply at JR's, my mom said "well, maybe Dad and I aren't meant to have another dog at this point in our lives" and behold literally a few days later "Snow" appeared on Facebook looking for a forever home. I showed my mom and she was interested in meeting "Snow". Long story short, "Snow" now Penny choose my Mom and accepts my Dad. I never believed dogs actually choose their people until I witnessed this experience. Penny is my Mom's shadow literally. Penny spent her first few years in a puppy mill so she has some insecurities in life but definitely is coming out of her shell and it's wonderful to see the light and love in my parents eyes again. Thanks Jr's and all the foster in this rescue for their commitment and love shown to these dogs until their Forever Family comes along.