Mykonos - January 2018

Adoption success stories.
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Mykonos - January 2018

Post by EmmaSchickert »

We had some extenuating circumstances to consider when someone recommended JRs for our pup search. One of our children has a disability and is non speaking. We needed a friendly, flexible pup who would grow into an understanding of many different forms of communication.

In January, we found our guy. He was called Bubba then, but his name is Mykonos or Myko (meek-oh) now. He'll be 5 months old in a week or so.

Perfect in every way for us. He and my daughters love each other. And I am more attached than I ever anticipated.

Little did I know that my mom, who has dementia, would fall, break her hip, and end up in a rehabilitation center. This happened a week and a half ago. She's never met my dog and truly doesn't really remember who her kids are. Happy to see us, anyway.

Today I brought him to visit her. She was widowed 40 years ago, left with 10 children between the ages of 7 and 21 to raise on her own. Life was mostly serious and a lot of work for her.

I can truly say that I haven't seen her as engaged, happy and talkative in decades. She was radiant.

He left a swath of joy behind him as he wagged his tail up to each patient and staff member we saw. Everyone brightening at the mere sight of him, and then even brighter when they recognized he wanted to meet them as much as they wanted to meet him.

Look what you did today, JRs. Just look.

Forever grateful for this match that proves every single day that it was meant to be.
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