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Joined: January 6th, 2015, 10:59 am


Post by CurtisGrice »

Come Sit Stay Play
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Address: 2086 S. 56th St. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Do you want your dog to be your loyal and obedient companion. At Come, Sit, Stay and Play we will give you the tools to do just that. We offer training classes from Puppy Class through Elite Obedience Training. You’ll notice with each visit that your pet’s obedience and your control improve too! Todd Thurber, owner of Come, Sit, Stay & Play Dog-u-cation Center is a professional dog trainer working in the Milwaukee area. He has hands on experience with dogs of all ages, backgrounds, breeds and sizes. He and his staff are excellent trainers and would love the opportunity to help your dog become better socialized, more obedient and a great companion.

Sit Means Sit
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The rugged, versatile Sit Means Sit Dog Training Collar excels in all environments and training areas from pet training to advanced working K9s.

Think Pawsitively
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Think Pawsitive LLC.jpg (17.58 KiB) Viewed 41747 times
Address: 2485 S Commerce Dr, New Berlin, WI 53151

"All instructors at Think Pawsitive have a strong passion for dogs and for teaching students to problem solve while shaping their dogs to perform specific behaviors. Allowing the dogs to “Learn to Earn” is our overriding philosophy and the lifestyle we maintain with our own dogs. First and foremost in our training is teaching students how to develop and maintain a strong relationship with their dog. All other skills are much easier to train once your dog has learned to love to work with you. Our training is positive and reward based. We practice what we preach and will use our own dogs to demonstrate and clarify the mechanics of the techniques we are teaching. The finished product is nice to see, but doesn’t always help a student learn how to get there. Thus, we will frequently use our students’ dogs to demonstrate how to approach a new training task from the start and how we deal with dogs that may appear to be stuck. Students are given frequent opportunities to practice skills during class and receive constructive feedback from the instructors. Most of our students will find that their dogs are amazingly clever and can figure out just about anything we properly reinforce and give them the opportunity to think about. We strive to provide a supportive atmosphere in which all students (both human and canine) can grow to their maximum potential. Our instructors are all lifetime learners that continue to educate themselves in animal behavior, learning theory and training techniques. We each compete in various canine competitive sports or therapy work and enjoy a mutually enriching recreational life with our dogs."
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